Re: Densitometers

Steve Shapiro (
Thu, 04 Nov 1999 12:54:05 -0800

This is a silly answer, but the best oneis the one you're most comfortable

Ihave an old Weston and it's an effort to uses; but I'm taken by my
friend's -- the name brand of which I don't have at this time. He stalked
eBay until this one came up and got it with a last minute bid for 1/3 it's

Yes. They'r costly but at $1,000 max, they pay for themselves. They'd
don't gather dust, which was my only point; except that the use of ... is
now part of my routine, just as it putting my dried negs into envelopes
right away. Routine.

I'll get back to you off list
----- Original Message -----
From: ira bartell <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: Densitometers

> Dear Steve,
> Is there a densitometer you would recommend and literature to explain how
> to use it? I like the 1:1 ratio!
> There is one recommended for my Edox99 controller (by the vendors) that's
> called a mouse o'meter - for a $1000 it's a silly name at least.
> Ira Bartell
> ----------
> >From: Steve Shapiro <>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Densitomiters
> >Date: Don, 4. Nov 1999 11:23 Uhr
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > Subject: Re: Densitomiters
> >
> >
> >> All of the following is my opinion, and supplied as an option.
> >> If you are either enough of a "control freak" that you just have
> >> to have to own a densitometer, or are truly doing the research
> >> that requires that level of precision: just ignore me ;-)
> >>
> >> Very few photographers need a densitometer. For most it either
> >> collects dust (an expensive dust collector) or becomes a
> >> habit/obsession that just burns up time (time you could be
> >> shooting and printing).
> >>
> > After my negs dry, once inside sleeves; I motivate over to the
> > and read all the B+F, D min and D max, then calculate the range and with
> > that info and my Ilford EM 10 clean the neg, place it in the carrier and
> > make
> > a relatively perfect, right on grade and timed first print.
> >
> > Since using the Densitometer and showing 'first print poofs,' I have
> > two galleries and a hotel decorator with 82 rooms to fill.
> >
> > Total use of paper to print 1:1.
> >
> > Densitometer = good tool.
> >
> > S. Shapiro
> >
> >

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