Tom Sobota (
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:58:24 +0100
A 14.52 11/11/99 -0500, Judy ha escrito:
>> Yes. And Echague goes more or less like this:
>> E as in Emily
>> CH as in riCH
>> A as in Anderson
>> G as in Go
>> Ü as in yoU
>> E as in End.
>And put them all together, they spell..... ????
>My guess was esh-ahg (to rhyme with mesh-log), but I gather from the above
that that's wrong... ?
Well ... yes, it's wrong. I tried, perhaps unsuccesfully, to explain what
the sound of each letter is. To put it all together, you just spell all the
letters one after the other, with a small emphasis on the 'a'. 'esh-ahg',
yes, if it were french, but it isn't. Change the 'sh' to a french 'tch' (as
in riCH), and don't skip the 'u' and the 'e' at the end, loud and clear :-)
>By the way, I e-mailed the address Pete Fredrick gave us to get the
>Eschague book, but never heard back. Any suggestions short of flying over?
Glad to have you here! But which book it was? Perhaps I can be of help?
Tom Sobota
Madrid, España
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