Fresson prints... What is their address?

Guy Glorieux (
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 00:33:24 -0400

Judy Seigel wrote:

> If Sheila Metzner's story in one of the photo magazines circa 1980 is to
> be believed, you had to walk to their remote & secret lab barefoot, or
> better yet, on your knees, and then beg them to print for you.
> I confess that reading the print & web site info (for which much thanks),
> it occurs to me to wonder if maybe digital printing has cut into business,
> or if a new generation has new ideas (or both).
> Judy


I noticed that the Fresson people were very careful not to disclose
their address or any email information on their site. (Granted, they do
mention a phone and Fax number and they do indicate their general
location as 25 minutes from Paris and 5 minutes from Orly airport...
which covers a rather large territory...).

Perhaps someone has the information and can share it on the list.

Best wishes,

Guy Glorieux

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