Mon, 22 Nov 1999 22:06:08 -0500 (EST)
Hello all,
A recent conversation with another gum printer suggested that the fluorescent
(BLB and similar) type tubes generally recommended in texts may not be ideal
for gum printing. A vacuum plateburner was suggested to get better results
(i.e., greater density and contrast range with a single coat, other things
being equal). But, alas, I don't have one, and probably couldn't find room
for it (or a tanning bed,) even if it was affordable.
I've read through several years posts in the archive hoping to find an
inexpensive alternative, but so far the posts have only served to bring up
more questions. Foremost among them are:
1) does anyone know the sensitivity peak of potassium dichromate? (Mike Ware
posted it as 365nm, but later posts appeared to suggest otherwise e.g., 420nm
or 440nm.)
2) is there an inexpensive (< $100) and relatively *"point source"* UV-rich
lamp (mercury-vapor, zirconium arc, quartz??? etc.) that someone has
*actually had experience with* and could recommend for gum printing?
3) can anyone point to an online source of spectral emission curves for
UV-rich lamps that may be readily available?
It appeared as if Sandy King, Phil Davis and some others were investing the
differences in UV output and peak sensitivities for awhile. Any definitive
results or recommendations specifically for gum?
Sorry to bring the UV thing up on the list again, but I kept getting
sidetracked in the archive threads and couldn't find the answers.
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