Re: uh oh... ?

Chris Read (
Sat, 02 Oct 1999 08:03:54 +0100

Judy Seigel wrote:
> I forwarded some "delivery failed" messages to Gord (they come here ...
> who can say why?... they like me/they hate me), and for the first time in
> photo history, they came back marked "deferred, connection timed out."
> Meanwhile, my other ESP, a great big company with 2 million transmitters
> and more cyberwatts than NASA, has been entirely out of commission, I mean
> DOWN ! for nearly 2 days. And there has been of course, but a line or two
> from Alt Photo.
> Is this premature Y2K ? End of the world as we know it? All service
> providers down?...or simply a concatenation of circumstances?
> Judy

If you mean, 'did this get through to the list', sure, it is now in
rainy Oxfordshire, England!!!


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