Re: tube processing
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:06:36 -0400 (EDT)

> I just started processing 11 x 14, FP4, in a Jobo CPE 2 paper tube (30 x 40
> cm.)
> I used HC 110, 25/50 ml to complete for 400 ml. of solution. I presoake the
> sheet for about 3 minutes in water. After processing I find marks from the
> developer poured in the tube.

I am not familiar with CPE 2 paper tube, but isn't it a usual design that
when you pour in the chemical, the chemical doesn't touch the paper (or film)
until you flip the tube and start the rotation?

> Strong and multiple for 50 ml., les (one
> faint one for 25 ml). What to do to avoid them when using strong
developers ?
> Pour in a weak solution and after a minute pour in the rest of the
> ?

Can you just use the weak solution and process longer to the same contrast?
If the dilution is not too extreme (1+1 is not considered extreme), you can
basically get the same curve shape (except possible slight raise of the toe).

Dave S

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