John Melanson (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:27:13 -0600
I'm testing clearing, not done yet, but the key seems to be the use of
sultife. Sodium sulfite is the main ingredient in hypo clear, if I remember
Perma-wash is ammonium sulfite and sodium sulfite. But EDTA also helps,
which is in hypoclear, and not perma.
The cheapest bet? Buy sodium sulfite and EDTA, mix your own. The exact
ratio doesn't seem to be critical. I use 3% Na2SO3, 1.5% EDTA (Na4).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Kimball []
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 3:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Perma-Wash = Hypoclear?
> I'm clearing my Pt/Pd prints in double-strength hypo clear these
> days, and have
> been wondering if I could save some money by using Perma-Wash instead of
> Hypoclear. I know, the testing would be trivial - but if anyone
> else has done it -
> I'd love to hear.
> Much thanks,
> Adam
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