Re: jobo help

Cor Breukel (
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:41:47 +0200 (MET DST)


It depends what you mean by:

> developing large film using pyro and the Jobo tanks.

..what is large? The smallest semi-automatic processors the CPE2 and CPA2
can process upto 4*5 inch film in the 2500 series tanks. For bigger
formats you need the Expert drum which only fit in the bigger and more
expensive processors (CPP and ATL). That said: it is possible to process
bigger than 4*5 inch film in the smallest units by using the paper drums
for negative processing, either by snapping the film between the ribs of
the paper drum, or use special inserts, formatholders which snap between
the ribs. You can adjust these inserts. This is what I use to process
7*9.5 film. An advatage of the inserts is that the solutions also get
behind the film.
I find the lift a very usefull thing.
JOBO's homepage is very good and extensive :

Hope this helps..(oh I do not work for JOBO, I bought everything second


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