Beakman (
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 07:25:38 -0700 (PDT)
> hi- has anyone used the lightjet 5000 to produce negatives for platinum
> prints? if so, did you apply a correctional curve prior to output as one
> would when using the burkholder imagesetter method? Thanks for any help in
> advance and this question is on topic I believe.
I have not had negs made in this way, but I do know that Muse-X Editions
(a.k.a EPS, Inc.) in Los Angeles makes negs for platinum printing on
their LightJet. I believe they take care of any sort of correctional
curve, and that you only need to provide them with your normal image
file. Best thing, of course, would be to give them a call and ask.
Best regards,
David Fokos
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