Re: pH of gum

Judy Seigel (
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:52:23 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Witho Worms & Jorien van Santen wrote:

> Good morning from Holland,
> Does anyone know if there is a relation between the pH of gum and the
> printing results ? Is there a pH after which it is not preferable to use a
> gum solution anymore ?

I tested the pH of 4 different gums I was using at the time (about 3 years
ago) and never found any relation between that and performance --
especially not the "speed" of the gum which was what I was particularly
puzzling over. Whether there is a point after which not to use it, I
didn't see -- there was (from memory) a range from about ph 3.5 to 5.5,
and all worked.

If you get any findings, hope you'll share them -- but I'd bet other
factors also affect the mix, like pH of the paper, and did you put an
alkali in your gelatin hardener, and so forth.


| Judy Seigel, Editor >
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