Re: lightjet 5000 negs

John Richardson (
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:56:06 -0700


I am currently using Muse-X editions in Los Angeles California to produce
platinum negs on their Lightjet 5000. They print onto Ilfoclear material and
process RA4. The widest they can make is 52inch. The material is quite
thick and is a color material. Every platinum printer works differently, so
there would need to be several curves. One of their base curves was achieved
by testing with me. I print using BL flurescent tubes. Stan Klimek, a
friend of mine, prints with an Oleg, and they make negs for him with a
different curve. They do not have time or dollars to make a curve for
everyone. Currently I am printing an edition for another photographer. The
negs are 35mm Tri-X from the early sixties. We are making 11x161/2 negs.
They are of course grainy and we have chosen to leave them that way. The
dupe negs look and behave in every respect like any other neg. They even
read perfectly on a densitometer. It costs $40 to do the drum scan of the
original neg, and $100 for the output.
    Please E-Mail me if you have any other qestions.


david lawrence wrote:

> hi- has anyone used the lightjet 5000 to produce negatives for platinum
> prints? if so, did you apply a correctional curve prior to output as one
> would when using the burkholder imagesetter method? Thanks for any help in
> advance and this question is on topic I believe.

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