Re: Polapan questions 2

Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 17:37:13 /etc/localtime

Hi All,

Not sure where this thread started, but wanted to add the comment that my
35mm Polaroid Processor, which is an older model I believe, notes that you
should wait 60 seconds, but I believe the correct development time is now120
seconds. I wasted quite a few rolls of film, trying to correct exposure, etc,
until I realized my mistake. Since I bought the processor used, and there's
little documentation with this film, I would appreciate any input from other
list members.

As far as emulsion, I simply handle the film carefully and have not had
problems. The emulsion IS very delicate, however. A bigger problem is my 35mm
camera tearing the sprocket holes while loading. I use a Cannon Elan, and
I've been told some of the more expensive cameras have a more gentle film
advance mechanism.

Despite these drawbacks, this is a wonderful film for fine art photographers.
It's unique grain structure and tonal curve are well worth the minor

Bill Noll

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