I appreciate you all giving me your point of view. I challenged you and
you stood your ground and came back at me with your own point of view.
If you have time I would like to hear more. My cup is quite empty now and
I too must focus on my work, on the pictures I must take and the connections
for myself and others I must make. I would love to go to Spain, but haven't
the time right now. Thank you for asking. Thank you
so very much and I loved your work and your philosophy. ( May I send someone
else in my place? ) I will spread it if you like? Others, I'm still a
little blinded right now by frustration spent, but I will look at it again
and again in time. Right now I must clean house before my husband has a fit.
It takes time to heal old wounds. With love they heal without scars. I am
in this to win---for all of us. I must leave now, but I have your post and
will study them. Thank you for responding. Now, will you please unsubscribe
me. I'll return when I am ready to listen and learn.
Love you all,
rambling muse
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