From: John Richardson (
Date: 06/02/00-01:41:03 PM Z
Check before you speak. I have tried these tests in EDTA, phosphoric, and
Kodak hypo clear, 3 baths at 5 minutes each. If I develop a print for
only 1 minute then the coated but masked area of the paper does not
clear. That area looks orange when it is removed from the developer.
When I develop for a full two minutes the orange color is greatly reduced
(almost not visible), and it goes away immediately upon entering the first
clearing bath. This is on Crane's cover natural paper.
Jeffrey D. Mathias wrote:
> John Richardson wrote:
> > ... This will result in the
> > print not developing fully and therefore it will not clear properly.
> > ... Also, developer which is too cold gives
> > me a print which will not clear properly. ...
> Proper clearing procedure should clear completely whether or not the
> print is developed fully. Undeveloped or unexposed coating materials
> must be removed (cleared) from the print. The choice of clearing agent
> and times may relate to the materials and previous processing used and
> should be tested for those conditions.
> What John is referring to may be fogging, not a lack of clearing.
> Fogging and lack of clearing are two completely different things, even
> though they may both show as density in the print. More likely, John
> has not chosen an effective clearing agent. Remember that a change in
> developer, as a change in paper or coating chemistry, may make the
> process become more compatable with another clearing agent. One should
> also test their clearing procedure carefully as some lack of clearing
> may be hard to detect without a test and using the indicator (see my
> guide for details on clearing testing with an indicator).
> --
> Jeffrey D. Mathias
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