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RE: Digital negs and Platinum
Hello Andre,
I have to agree with you and to dissagree with Carl.
Last time i ordered 50 sheets of AGFA GO210P (30x40 cm) i had to pay say
about $200,--
That is a lot of money for me.
That was a special price the shop made me. They sold it to me at the price
AGFA sold it to them.
They also told me they would not do it again. (they probably thought it took
to much of there time)
And AM Nederland does not sell to persons but ownly to bussines.
I do know AGFA makes other films like N31P i do not know how much that
By the way, When i stardet to use the AGFA Go210P (about two monts after i
bought it)the borders of the film were fogged heavely to about 2 cm!! so i
cannot use the entire film because i have to cut of the borders.
Agfa claimes you do not have to store the film cold but a friend who uses it
a lot claims otherwise. And AGFA is not going to refund.
Enough reasons to think about going digital!
greetings Gerard
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Andre Fuhrmann [mailto:Andre.Fuhrmann@uni-konstanz.de]
Verzonden: dinsdag 7 maart 2000 16:00
Aan: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
Onderwerp: RE: Digital negs and Platinum
>>I would like to know since grafic film is getting harder and harden to
>>obtain and at very high costs.
>graphic film hard to get? We in Europe have even better access to it than
>most Americains... Try Agfa, AM Nederland (Rijswijk), Wifac,... Price
>should be around 15 Hfl per square meter.
>Prices in Belgium are even cheaper...
>Printing & Lithography
Sounds good in theory. But the pactice for the ALTist on the street is
quite a bit different. I was fortunate enough to find at a fair last year
enough film to last me for a year or two. But if I needed to buy some now,
say 50 sheets AGFA Lith about 24x30cm, I wouldn't know where to order. No
mail order company keeps them in stock and few would be willing to accept a
special order. As to price, I prefer not to think about it. Perhaps
someone as an idea ...