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New introduction

I spend 15 years - between 1977 and 1995 -  as manager of the Albert Kahn photographic laboratory, a french collection of Louis Lumiere autochrome plates (and movies also) made by the bankman Albert Kahn in the begining of the century to keep a record of the planet. Near seventy thousands autochrome plates were exposed in sixty countries and are now the property of french state (Albert Kahn was a broken man after the 29 crash).During this time and still now I was interested in history od color photography, specialy XIX th and begining of XX th century).
Since 1995 I teach silver lab, photographic conservation  and history of photographic processes at Louis Lumiere (again ..., the school was created by Louis Lumiere helped by a team of movie and photo manufacturers in 1926) school of Photography, based fifteen miles east Paris and where I was student 25 years ago.
I practise some classic historical processses as salted paper, iron based processes, carbon transfer and Kodak dye transfer.