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Re: D-76 to Lc-1
<< I am wondering if it is possible to add something to D-76 to make it more
acidic and thus make it act more like LC-1. Changing the pH of LC-1
doesn't change its ability to develop negatives.
D-76 uses borax as the alkaline. To make it less active, one could possibly
use boric acid. I think with the right proportion, it should work. In fact,
when I started experimenting for LC-1, I first thought about adding
bicarbonate to Dektol or adding boric acid to D-76. It would have been the
same concept but would use prepackaged developer, but then I thought if I was
going to mix something anyway, I might as well mix the main developer part
since it might cut down the cost.
But if metol is hard to get in some country, maybe it is worth trying D-76
with addition of boric acid.
Another thing is the hydroquinone is really inactive in LC-1. I put it in for
the purpose of "re-energizing" the metol (I forgot what the proper term is
for that). Later I and other users found that 2:3:5 is a good combination.
Going through the math, I found the 2:3:5 combination actually gives the
typical sulfite-bisulfite ratio of a divided-stock formula.
This means that one can actually mix up something very similar to a
divided-stock D-76 (with more hydroquinone compared to LC-1), and add
borax-boric acid or sodium metaborate to make D-76, or simply dilute the
stock with water to make the LC-1 2:3:5.
Dave S