Re: 5" b&w film for sale: processing it

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From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: 06/03/01-11:55:06 AM Z

At 09:16 AM 06/03/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>In case anyone's hesitating because of no way to
>process it, there's a guy in california with a
>commercial lab, a jobo, and a reel that takes 5' of 5"
>wide film. (I had it made for him a while ago.) He
>uses Pyro for jobo and probably would use other
>developers, too.
  There is also a type of processor for aerial film which shows up on eBay
occasionally. These were made by Morse Instrument Company for the Navy.
They take lengths of film from 70mm to 9.5 inches in width and up to 200
feet in length. These are portable machines with a motor drive and usually
three stainless steel tanks.
  Another method is to build a simple dip and dunk tank of plastic tubing
and hang the film in it. The film can be doubled over in the center so the
tank does not have to be so long. There are other methods of hand
processing such as folding the film in a large tray, which are practical if
you must process only occasionally.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.

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