Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes

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Date: 06/26/01-06:03:43 AM Z

Dear Joe and Gary and any others contemplating entering this discussion:
Thank you so much for your comments regarding photographing for alternative
processes. I asked my question on the list to elicit some responses, not only
to meet and discuss them with people in Santa Fe but to share them, as well
on line. I am very interested in the origin of ideas as part of the creative
process, and particularly as they are embedded in the alternative processes
involving photography.

Joe, at what point do you begin to have a sense of the image you want to
And Gary, would you agree that there is a huge distinction between technique
and process? We so often discuss techniques on this list but for me
alternative processes is more than's another way of
approaching the construction of a visual image using photography. And much
too often do we get carried away with the technique and/or subject matter
omitting the soul of the image. How do we pump our blood back into an image?
Ernestine Ruben
644 Pretty Brook Road
Princeton, New Jersey, 08540
609 921 0565

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