Date: 02/11/01-03:46:00 AM Z
> > putting something on the Internet does not place it in the public
> > domain; copyright laws apply here as well as anywhere else.
> You're right. But how are you going to enforce the copyright?
Legally, you MUST go after infringers if you are aware that they are
infringing. You can loose the right to sue if you discover a problem and
do not make an attempt to do something about it
> Putting something on the net is opening the door for copyright
infringements. It's
> a simple fact. I experienced it with my gallery's web site. People copy
> pictures at screen resolution, without bothering to ask. It's the net.
By this reasoning, putting your books into the public library is opening
the door to copyright infringement. Silly notion, isn't it?
I think the people need education about the problem. Consider that
Windows allows you to save things from the web. It is a "Right Click"
feature. It is automatic with most browsers as well. Unfortunately, as it
is now, it creates issues for all people who create for the world, and
the only way to put a damper on it is by standing up for your rights.
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