RE: Digitan(sic) Negs

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From: Baird, Darryl (
Date: 05/13/01-11:11:37 PM Z

A good chrome should last, with good storage about fifty years I think. I have Kodachrome from the late 60s and early 70s, which are great looking. They are in archival sleeves and keep dark most of the time. I don't think the CDs I have will last that long, but I'm more worried about technology changes.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon 5/14/2001 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Digitan(sic) Negs

How long do chromes last?

In a message dated 5/13/01 11:28:25 PM, writes:

<< Sooooo, I have all my digital files run out to color transparency, in 35mm
and 4X5 (sometimes). It is a great archive medium and doesn't require so much
hardware to support it's life. Yes, I use CD ROM too. I can whip a chrome out
of a case or a pocket much faster than I can mount a CD. It's a weird twist,
I know. >>

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