Re: AW: Experience with 20X24 format

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From: Burkhardt Kiegeland (
Date: 11/30/01-04:16:18 AM Z

Hello Wolfgang,

of course there is the way to rephotograph the big portraits using a digital
camera for putting them into the web, but they don´t will be the same then.
There is, as we all know, this tremendous difference between viewing an
original print and looking on a monitor.

In my understanding all pictures suffer heavily when presented by the media
like magazines, television screen, computer monitor. Of course we all are
used to that, but it provides a view which is crippled.

In the given case most which urged me to photograph using this extreme
format would get lost: the unique subtle shapness, the fine tonality, the
feeling of the paper´s smooth surface, in short, everything which together
with the people photographed makes the pictures so vivid.

I´ve been on the websites of a couple of members of this list enyoing their
work. But always I get just a fraction of the whole thing, most of the
sensuous part is missed - the computer monitor cannot present it. And this
sensuous part in my eyes gives all this alternative techniques their value.

So in the end you simply would ask the question: »Why this guy makes his
life so complicated? Wouldn´t he get the same with a digital camera?«
Or: »Why are people out there making old fashioned gum prints or Kallitypes
- it is much easier to fake them digitally...«

Just some thoughts in favour of viewing original prints...

Burkhardt Kiegeland

> Lieber Burkhardt,
> du schreibst:
> "No, I don´t have them on the web - I can´t scan them... too big for my
> scanner. 2 were printed in an earlier issue of PhotoVision."
> Es gibt eine ganz einfache Methode deine sehenswerten Portraits in das Web
> zu bringen - schon mit einer der preisgünstigen Digitalkameras mit einer
> Auflösung von 1 Million Pixel kannst du deine Portraits mit der für das Web
> notwendigen Auflösung und Qualität aufnehmen, mit Photoshop oder einem
> anderen Bildbearbeitungsprogramm für das Web vorbereiten und hochladen. Tu
> es!
> Mit herzlichen Grüßen
> Wolfgang

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