Date: 09/20/01-09:38:27 AM Z
Hi Christine,
It appears that the server (America Online) was busy earlier, but when I just
tried, it worked. Please give it another try. :-)
Dave S
In a message dated 9/20/01 8:33:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
<< Hey Dave,
Your URL did not work.
-christine wrote:
> I don't know if it is appropriate to ask at this time, and I hope it won't
> offensive to anyone, but how many would be interested in participating in a
> traveling portfolio with a special theme like "God Bless America" or "In
> Loving Memory" (or you can suggest a title too but it is to remember the
> tragedy of the horrible terrorist attack).
> For those who are not familiar with the traveling portfolio, please see
> Dave S
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