From: Mateo (
Date: 12/02/02-06:18:52 PM Z
on 12/3/02 4:55 PM, Phillip Murphy at wrote:
> One last thing; what do you do with all of those CD's and DVD's floating
> around?? I use a DVD/CD jukebox from Powerfile.
> This will hold 200 DVD's giving me close to a terabyte of storage. It has two
> drives and every disc is catalogued using Canto Cumulus 5.5 so that I have
> ready access to all of my images. A second set of discs go into tyvek lined
> boxes and stored in another part of the building. (off site would be better)
I am doing exactly the same thing. I just filled my first Powerfile and have
started a second. They really work great, but I would really like to see a
OS X version of the software soon. I am getting ready to move my copies off
site, where do you get the tyvek lined boxes? That is a great idea.
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