Date: 07/08/02-01:30:13 PM Z
Thank you. Will look into this. -jb
Sandy King <> said:
> Jeff Buckels wrote:
> >I'm trying to get together a simple UV light system to cover bigger
> >-- e.g., 7x17, 16x20, etc. I'd decided on the Luminaire system described
> >Sandy King in his article (which I believe is familiar to most of you).
> >specifies an "MHSS 1000-MT Lumark Fixture w/ 23" round reflector," which is
> >No. 7v197 in the '02 Grainger catalog, and a MH1000 w/v/5k Venture Lamp or,
> >alternatively, an H36GV-1000 Mercury Vapor lamp. Just got off the phone w/
> >Grainger, and the Lumark Fixture in question has been discontinued, as have
> >both lamps. Incidentally, I hit Home Depot yesterday for some other stuff
> >visited the lights dept. on a whim and was told that mercury vapor lamps
> >now prohibited in New Mexico and have been pulled from their shelves....
> >somebody know where else in the Cosmos I can acquire the items Sandy
> >specifies, or does anybody have other suggestions?? Thanks. -jeff buckels
> >
> I did a quick search and the mercury vapor lamp I recommended in the
> article still appears to be available through See
> What you want
> is the 1000 watt unit, E39 in Mogul base.
> Sandy King
> --
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