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toning pop
Hello all,
I toned a bunch of pop's the other day and experienced extreme bleaching
of prints in the fix, as well as some streakiness in the gold toner, and
was wondering if anyone else had seen this. My procedure is as follows:
Overexpose print by about 1 stop under GE BL bulbs.
Rinse under tap at 70 degrees for one minute.
Tone in an alkaline gold toning solution comprised of 4 grams borax
dissolved in 970 ml tap water and 30 ml CAW solution B, which is 0.02%
gold chloride. Here is where I began to see streaks, as if some parts
were toning faster than others. I replenish toner with 5ml solution B
after every 8x10 print made. Agitate often.
Fix in hypo - 150 grams sodium thiosulfate dissolved in 1000ml tap water
- in two sepearte baths, each 5 minutes, continuous agitation. This is
where the extreme bleaching occured - possibly several stops.
Hypo clear 5 minutes, then wash for twenty.
I have never used a borax/gold toner before, just ammonium
thiocyante/gold, and thought this may be it but I have never heard of
bleaching being a result of alkaline toners. Any ideas?
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this
emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and
stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
-Albert Einstein