From: Breukel, C. (HKG) (
Date: 10/25/02-09:04:09 AM Z
I's designed by Dave Soemarko (sp?), a web search should help digging it
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Newcomb []
Sent: vrijdag 25 oktober 2002 16:47
Subject: Re: Shooting Ortho/lith film in camera?
And LC1 is what developer?
Robert N.
"Breukel, C. (HKG)" wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> I am using Arista lith film as in-camera neg., processed in LC1 it yields
> continous tone neagtives. The speed is around 1 ASA though. I did write it
> up in a little article for PF, do not recall which issue, about 2 years
> Best,
> Cor
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Young []
> > Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:50 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Shooting Ortho/lith film in camera?
> >
> >
> > After traveling through the Michigan upper peninsula I've gotten
> > inspired to make a wide angle round image camera kind of like the
> > hobo but using a 8x10 (178mm) B&L protar 5 lense to get a 18-20"
> > circle on 20x24 film. My plan is to make a fixed focus camera quickly
> > out of plywood so I can start using the camera soon.
> > Since I'm thinking of going for the old time look (and it's much
> > cheaper) I want to shoot something like Aristo ortho lith film and
> > process it for continuous tones to print with salt, vandyke or pop
> > paper. I know ortho won't look exactly like Blue sensitive materials,
> > which is ok.
> > Where would I find info on how to process for this use?
> > Thanks! Jamie Young in Madison, WI
> >
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