From: Steve Bell (
Date: 09/02/02-10:42:15 PM Z
"I do think that landscape photography is just as worthwhile today as
it was before."
This makes me wonder: what does everyone on the list think of landscape
photography? I sometimes think that there is a generational gap when it
comes to opinions in this matter. When i've spoken to my photo teachers and
some older friends, they tell me they really enjoy landscape photography.
but when i speak to younger photographers and artists, they say they think
landscape photography is pointless and boring and overdone.
I'm in the middle of the road on this one. I like landscape photography.
although i consider it somewhat boring, personally, to shoot landscapes. I
can find beauty in landscape photography, and i think some photographers
are really good at making unique landscape photos. But generally i find
them boring.
what does everyone think? is this a generational gap? if so, why? i think a
lot of it has to do with younger artists trying to rebel against what they
look at as 'not edgy enough'.
but that could be a bad generalization.
> [Original Message]
> From: Greg Schmitz <>
> To: <>
> Date: 9/2/2002 9:32:20 PM
> On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Sandy King wrote:
> > The landscape work of Ansel Adams is the artistic culmination of an
> > impressive photographic tradition that began with the work of
> > photographers like Timothy O'Sullivan, William Bell, Carelton
> > Watkins, William Henry Jackson and others.
> Sandy, I think "culmination" is the wrong word. Certainly Adams was
> influenced by the work of those who had gone before him, but I don't
> think that the genre reached its' peak or came to an end with Adams.
> I do think that landscape photography is just as worthwhile today as
> it was before.
> Best
> -greg schmitz
--- Steve Bell
--- /
--- In fact, rock, rather than being an example of how freedom can be
achieved within the capitalist structure, is
an example of how capitalism can, almost without a conscious effort,
deceive those whom it oppresses...So
effective has the rock industry been in encouraging the spirit of
optimistic youth take-over that rock's truly
hard political edge, it's constant exploration of the varieties of
youthful frustration, has been ignored
and softened. --Michael Lydon
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