Date: 04/09/03-03:06:34 PM Z
I have used the following technique to palladium tone Van Dyke prints
(presumably it would also work on kalitypes as well). After exposure the
print is washed and then cleared in a Kodak hypo clearing agent to remove
iron salts, then it is washed again and toned in palladium. My palladium
toner consisits of 1-2 drops of 20% palladiun salt (it could be Na2PdCL4
or Li2PdCl4) in about 0.5 cc 20% citric acid. I spread this on top of a
wet 4x5 print and drag it across with a glass rod. Toning is very fast.
You can use more or less palladium to control the toning. If you let the
toning solution contact the paper for too long palladium has a tendency to
stain paper. Then a short water wash and another wash in a hypo clearing
bath, followed by regular fixer. No need to worry about overfixing at this
point. The image will not bleach. Palaldium toning will lighten the print
and change the color to dark brown.
> I've noticed that the spot price of Palladium metal appears to be at a
> five year low. Does anyone know
> if this has effected the cost of Palladium chemistry?
> Also, would anyone have a formula for plating Palladium or Rhodium onto
> Silver or Gold?
> -Phillip
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