Cachet maco genius film and enlarged negatives

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 02/09/03-08:37:41 AM Z

Yesterday I experimented with Maco genius film (8x10 and 16x20, available
from Freestyle) and compared it against Bergger 200 speed 8x10. It has a
very clear base, is orthochromatic, has a supposed speed of 50, but I think
it is a bit slower. I quadrupled my Bergger time and probably should've
done a bit more, but that will get you in the ballpark. It produces, in
Dektol 1:1, extremely black blacks, so it goes from clear to a density of
.1 to even 2.9. It is a "smooth, soft grade film" it says on the box. It
is not a lith film that I can tell, I assume just an ortho continuous tone,
correct? No directions, not any info I can tell...but on first use I was
impressed. It comes in a bag that doesn't have much room to cut--a big
complaint for storage.
     Bergger 8x10 from a 4x5 interpositive was 1/2 to 2 seconds for F8,
150mm lens, at height of 16-20 inches.
     I will be printing these tomorrow in cyano and argyro so I'll see how
they go. I found it way easier to get a correct DR from my "punchy" Maco
negs, and will test them tomorrow, too. Also taking same neg and producing
an imagesetter neg this week to compare.
     Now, not to make Dan B. jealous or anything, I am leaving for the ski
hill now--WE'VE had snow all week.

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