Re: first gums

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 01/29/03-04:04:57 PM Z

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Claudia Lorenz wrote:

> I'm eager to try some gum printing, but admittedly find myself stuck at
> the negative stage. Does anyone have any experience from using a B&W
> neg (4x5) that has been made from an existing B&W print? I have easy
> access to copy negatives, and think this might be the route to go. I
> don't have a good enough printer to attempt making my own at this point.
> Any advice is appreciated,

Claudia, there are so many variables in gum that you don't need to get
stuck at the negative stage -- there are all those other "stages" to get
stuck at... And like the boys say, you can probably print any "normal"
negative... But gum is inexpensive, as long as you don't take it for an
omen, no problem with mistakes, which will teach you more than "advice"
from afar... except for this advice from afar: Starting with 4x5 is good
because it's less intimidating, more comfortable to start small, but
otherwise, for a gum print, 4x5 IS small. Which is to say, don't make a
HEAP of 4x5 negs in advance.


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