Date: 03/01/03-10:38:53 PM Z
I was referring to pigment stain...
In a message dated 3/1/03 4:49:48 PM, jseigel@panix.com writes:
<< There are so many variables here it's hard to isolate them, but on a sized
paper in normal room temp/ humidity, not over exposing, not leaving the
print til tomorrow or any other bad thing, I've never found a connection
between thin coat (which I find infinitely more controllable) and
"staining" --- though whether you mean PIGMENT stain, or DICHROMATE stain,
I don't think is clear. Either way, my tests show that either or both is
a problem greatly exaggerated.... And if it should occur, almost always
cleared by a long soak. That is, sleep on it. >>
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