From: H. Lee Pratt (
Date: 03/05/03-11:07:47 AM Z
Hello Joachim,
Try Michael Smith and Paula Chamlee are
distribute AZO and have 20x24 paper in #2 and #2, last I heard.
On Tuesday, March 4, 2003, at 10:52 AM, Joachim Oppenheimer wrote:
> I have tried the same approach - making the negatives and printing on
> Azo.
> The choice of paper size and contrast has become sharply contracted
> since
> Kodak has cut back. Are you aware of any expanded sources larger that
> 8x10
> in Europe or elsewhere? Thanks and continued good luck. Joachim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: H. Lee Pratt []
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:40 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Digital Negative & Piezography NEWS
>> Hello Joe Tait,
>> It may have been my posting about digital negs with a reference to Dan
>> Burkholder's site that you saw.
>> Basically, I've started making DCNs (Digital Contact Negatives, as I
>> think of them) using Piezography BW on an Epson 3000. The trick is to
>> use Pictorico OHP Film for your film. The Epson film I tried did not
>> work, although they may have changed since I tried it.
>> I simply get my image tweaked in Photoshop until it looks right on the
>> screen, invert it and print it. I've then been printing on Azo contact
>> paper, #2 graded. The results are glorious. I haven't done a lot of
>> these yet, but I'm convinced the basic method is sound.
>> If you print to a continuous tone material like Azo or an enlarging
>> paper, you won't need any of Dan's "warping" curves to suit your
>> negative to lithographic film.
>> Handle Pictorico OHP with great care: the "emulsion" side scratches if
>> you look at it cross-eyed.
>> Lee Pratt
>> On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Joe Tait wrote:
>>> I know others here use Piezography on Epsons to do B&W prints, but I
>>> haven't
>>> heard anything on using them for diginegs except a passing reference
>>> on Dan
>>> Burkholder's website (which was positive I recall). Anyone care to
>>> share
>>> experience?
>>> I am kind of excited at the possibility because Jon Cone today
>>> announced a
>>> system for Canon printers with "from the ground up" reformulated
>>> PiezoTone inks
>>> for Canon printers
>>> (
>>> What sounds like exceptionally good news is that the inkset is
>>> designed to be
>>> able to print on glossy coated paper, which to me means a higher
>>> likelihood of
>>> compatibility with trans material. I have seen some Peizo prints and
>>> I
>>> think
>>> they look great and the _almost_ continous-tone was refreshing
>>> compared to the
>>> apparent dither and banding I have seen on all close examination of
>>> any inkjet
>>> print. I have seen that translate into prints with my initial trials
>>> on using
>>> spectral negs on a Canon S9000, so I am eagerly looking at this
>>> potential
>>> improvement.
>>> -Joe
>> H. Lee Pratt
>> Santa Barbara, CA 93108
>> FAX: 805-565-1670
>> VOICE: 805-565-1240
H. Lee Pratt
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
FAX: 805-565-1670
VOICE: 805-565-1240
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