Re: Gum printing, staining, pigment stain

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/18/03-07:22:24 PM Z

Hi John,
     Don't EVER think you are butting in. The more input the merrier. I am
still reeling over the fact that Keith dries his gums outside in the shade!
Say WHAT?? So very interesting.
     Anyway, I just painted straight gum/pot di at a 1:4 ratio on the paper
and let it dry. Then pigment/gum alone on top and let that dry. THen
exposed. So what you are saying is it must be that the gum in the topcoat
adhered to the gum in the dichromate and did its thing...hmmm. I just find
that so peculiar. I mean, all these trials might be dead ends but I'm only
wasting time and 44 cents on each sheet of BFK.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Gum printing, staining, pigment stain

> In a message dated 18/03/03 14:49:35 GMT Standard Time,
> writes:
> > I also tested sensitizing the paper, drying, and putting a layer of
> > pigment and gum on top (one of Wall's ideas) and it worked--weird.
> > expect it to, thought the layer of top paint would all swoosh off, not
> > conceiving how it would intermingle with the layer of dichromate below,
> > it did. Go figure.
> > Chris
> ........................................................
> Hi again, Chris,
> Please excuse my butting in on your posting to Dave
> but I have also experienced this which seems to be because the sensitized
> coat, altho` dry, tends to imbibe or suck in the gum/pigment top coat when
> applied. The UV exposure obviously penetrates the unsensitized top coat to
> harden the dichromate beneath. I learned some time ago that UV is classed
> ``radiation`` which acts in a rather more positive way through the mask
> the pigment than non actinic light would. Here, again, I am mindful that a
> sizing coat might have been used which also could have something to do
> why this worked.( ? )
> A good starting point for further research. Glad you brought this to
> As ever. John - Photographist- London

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