From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/29/03-11:11:14 PM Z
The Stewart prints aren't carbro -- I'd trust Tod Gangler's verdict that
they're carbon. But there seems to be much available misinformation,
either here or elsewhere. Went back to the gallery this PM, to get another
look, &, having provoked husband's curiosity with my enthusiasm, let him
have a look. Told the dealer that the all-knowing "list" said not carbro,
he insisted was carbro because Aniere told him that the term carbon was
only for black.
Meanwhile, I was introduced to an associate of Stewart's, who helps him
build setups, and finds "types" for him in his own colorful London
neighborhood, a very charming fellow full of info on the creation, and a
good reminder that such complex undertakings often require a team. I also
learned that Dave Stewart is with the Euphonics, but does some
photography, but that David Stewart plays guitar as well as Dave does
photographs. There's also a David H. Stewart. (I guess England has its
share of Stewarts, tho maybe that's Stuart?)
They had some dye transfers of Stewart's cabbage series at the gallery,
and they were swell, but IMO lacked the life of the carbon prints on
watercolor paper. I know dye transfer is beautiful, and I would have
considered these terrific if I hadn't seen the others. But in comparison
the gloss of the dye transfer was deadening, not enlivening -- at least to
my eye.
Richard, do you by any chance know the name of that Outerbridge book?
(NY Public Library might have in its photo archive...)
Meanwhile, thanks to all for info...
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