From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/30/03-11:49:26 PM Z
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 wrote:
> I cannot stand this continued stream of praise. No matter the technical
> wizardry, I thought the pictures ugly and would not hang one in my
> living room even if given to me. Did anyone on this list see the exhibit
> other than Judy and I?
> bernie
Difference of opinion is what makes horse races, as my late father used to
say. I recently got an offlist e-mail from someone who couldn't abide John
Dugdale's prints, wanted to know what I could possibly see in them. Jed
Perl couldn't abide Gerhard Richter, whose retrospective at MoMA was/is
(still) acclaimed across the spectrum of artists and critics in two
continents. In fact the history of art records for our edification many
exclamations of artists and critics who despised the work of masters of
their own time. (The example that leaps to mind is the Whistler law suit,
tho for extra fun you could read PH Emerson's tirades on the entire
history of art.)
But Bernie, perhaps you'll mention what photographers/photographs you do
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