RE: emergency question regarding cyanotype

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From: Rauch, Shelley (
Date: 03/31/03-06:38:35 AM Z

Thanks Chris.

I kept my images outside for 1 hour, 45 minutes. I thought that when the paper approached the slate grey-blue sort of colour, it would be done. My teacher had also mentioned something about placing a coin over the emulsion to see how your highlights were coming out. I wasn't sure really what I was looking for in this, but thought it was okay.

Unfortunately, when I got everything back upstairs, and rinsed off, you could barely see any image at all. I left them hanging to dry for about 3 hours. When I returned home and checked on them, the images are barely discernible. On one in particular, you can barely see anything. :(

So, I'll be buying more chemicals this weekend, and will hopefully have better luck. But I am curious as to what exactly tells you its time to take the image inside. What are you looking for in a highlight, exactly?

>>>>>I can expose under UV easily to 30 or 40min, and under grey conditions, an
>>>>>hour outside is not unreasonable. Depends on your neg.

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