RE: emergency question regarding cyanotype

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From: Joe Smigiel (
Date: 03/31/03-08:12:15 AM Z

With a cyanotype exposure is usually OK when the (normally) deepest values have solarized. In other words, the darkest shadows will reverse in tone becoming lighter and moving towards a lighter slate blue grey which is what I think you are referring to below. However, the non-image areas outside the negative reverse sooner than anything under the film so it will take more exposure to solarize a part of the image beneath the film. With washing, the printed image will lose the solarized effect and shadow areas will return to being the darkest values. The values will deepen more as the print dries.

A few drops of weak 3% hydrogen peroxide in the final water bath will also let you see another deepening in tone caused by oxidation immediately. If this step is omitted, the image will deepen over the course of a couple weeks due to exposure to atmospheric gasses.


>>> 03/31/03 07:44 AM >>>
Thanks Chris.

I kept my images outside for 1 hour, 45 minutes. I thought that when the paper approached the slate grey-blue sort of colour, it would be done. My teacher had also mentioned something about placing a coin over the emulsion to see how your highlights were coming out. I wasn't sure really what I was looking for in this, but thought it was okay.

Unfortunately, when I got everything back upstairs, and rinsed off, you could barely see any image at all. I left them hanging to dry for about 3 hours. When I returned home and checked on them, the images are barely discernible. On one in particular, you can barely see anything. :(

So, I'll be buying more chemicals this weekend, and will hopefully have better luck. But I am curious as to what exactly tells you its time to take the image inside. What are you looking for in a highlight, exactly?

>>>>>I can expose under UV easily to 30 or 40min, and under grey conditions, an
>>>>>hour outside is not unreasonable. Depends on your neg.

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