I have various cyanotypes which have been toned in tea in one of my
They are about 3-4 years old now. No worse for wear.
In the short term I think they are just fine. Long term I think will depend
on storage
perhaps but even one cyano which is framed hanging in subdued sunlight in my
kitchen shows no change after 3 years. Buyers of some of my tea toned cyanos
have not complaint either so far. Time will tell.
Here is what a tea toned print looks like:
A brew of onion skins works too since it contains alum. Alum is likely less
archival but that is just from I have read. The result can be very similar
to tea
my two cents.
---Original Message-----
From: Peter Wiklund [mailto:Peter.Wiklund@journalistgruppen.se]
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 7:18
To: 'alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca'
Subject: SV: slightly OT: tea toning cyanotypes
Does anyone else know - is tea archival?
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Taylor, Jane [mailto:taylor74@marshall.edu]
Skickat: den 24 november 2003 13:15
Till: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Ämne: RE: slightly OT: tea toning cyanotypes
I have used tea a lot (pure "powdered" tea worked better than pure tannin
and is MUCH cheaper) with cyanotypes. Do it of course as the last step as it
can't be washed afterwards, and will affect any subsequent layers of
cyanotype that you apply.
It changes the colour to anything from brownish to purple tones, depending
on the strength of the solution. I use it selectively in parts of the image
to get a greater range of colours from my cyanotypes.
Occasionally the tea toning causes the image to lose a little definition in
detailed areas. I assume tea is archival, but haven't researched it.
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