Re: Help with large Digital negs

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Date: 09/26/03-08:02:33 PM Z


If you want to print you negative on an inkjet printer, you will need access
to a large format printer like the Epson 9000, 9500, 9600 or 10000 series.
They all handle 44" material.

The largest Pictorico comes in a roll that is 24" wide, so that won't work.

You may be able to get imagesetter output at that size. You can check with
CopyGraphics in Santa Fe for that.

If you use paper for the negative, you may want to find the paper yourself so
that you are assured it will work when oiling and has no watermarks, etc.

For a 2 1/4 negative, if you need to output it at 36 x 36 inches on an inkjet
at 360 dpi, then you need 36 x 360 pixels in each direction from your scan,
or 12,960 pixels in each direction. Starting with a 2 1/4 negative that means
a scan at 5760 pixels per inch. You could have it scanned with a drum
scanner at that resolution. A good scan from an Imacon would probably interpolate
fine up to that size if you have a sharp negative. The Imacon scans 2 1/4
at 3200 ppi. There are also industrial strength flatbed scanners that can do
a fine job too. A 16 bit grayscale scan this size will be about 336

The curve is going to vary with how you make your negative, your cyanotype
mix, the paper you coat, and a few other variables.

Hope this helps,
Mark Nelson

> Hello!
> I have a project to print a 36x36 inch cyanotype. First question, from a 2x2
> B&W neg, what resolution should it be scanned at? Any advice on what
> equipment to look for when going to a service bureau for this scan? a drum
> scan?
> Question 2. Where can I find curves for Photoshop to optimize this scan for
> the negative output?
> Question 3. What would be a good printer to look for at a service bureau to
> output this neg @ 36x36? I'm thinking a paper negative would be fine? Any
> ideas on the cost?
> Anyone have luck doing this?
> Thanks in advance
> Mac

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