I have no experience with amidol.
As for your question about Pyrocat-HD and HP5+ many people are
convinced (and I am definitely one of them) that for a variety of
reasons pyro staining and tanning developers give better results than
traditional developers. For more information see my article on pyro
developers at http://unblinkingeye.com/Articles/PCat/pcat.html
Sandy King
>In a message dated 02/04/2004 21:51:58 GMT Standard Time,
>sanking@clemson.edu writes:
>>And the
>>effective UV printing density of B+F has been reduced by more than
>>log .20 at eight minutes of development in Pyrocat-HD, and even more
>>with long development times.
>What is the advantage of Pyrocat-HD in developing HP5?
>Does it give a greater effective density range in platinum printing
>than FP4 developed for two minutes or so in amidol ?
Received on Fri Apr 2 15:22:00 2004
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