Hi Darryl,
Thanks for the Danish, it was very good. I heated it first before I ate it
I had seen Strange Ross's site some time ago. Nice work!
There is another book out on polymer plates I believe—I have the link
somewhere...a DVD would be nice though...I might have to learn Danish.
Thanks again,
Strange Mark
In a message dated 2/7/04 6:11:11 PM, dbaird@umflint.edu writes:
> I may be butting in incorrectly, I think I deleted all previous
> posts...bad week, little time to ramble through the list's traffic.
> However, if you're looking for solar plate/aquatint info, I did find a
> new danish site (no Mark, not food!) worth looking at -
> http://www.artbag.dk/ge/uk/index.html
> Strange Ross concluded a double exposure (each different for
> screen/image) released him from worrying about differences between
> polymer batches and he used it exclusively (as of 1998). I thought he
> had moved to a single exposure, but poor memory prevails.
> yes, I found him again... http://www.psy.ku.dk/ross/index.html
> he offers notes on both aproaches, plus some truely lovely work. Over
> the years I visited Strange's site and found his command of the
> materials has increased incredibly.
> Darryl
Received on Sat Feb 7 21:20:40 2004
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