Well, Keith, I dunno.
With the cheapy badger hair one, the hairs are put into the ferrule in these
large individual clumps that have enough space between them to be able to
poke the super glue tube right up to where each clump enters the ferrule. I
just squirted and it worked.
The hakes I use for coating (and, Kate, I only use one ancient hake and then
one badger; the badger can smooth the coats on 8-10 gum prints at a time,
then I wash it, fling it around outside to flip off excess water, and it is
dry by the time I need it again. If I have not done that, I dry it on air
with a blow dryer, altho Judy finds that dries out the bristles) are not
metal ferruled, but stitched. They usually stay damp all the time, so maybe
the wood is always swollen and they just don't shed. I have several, one for
each process like argyro, gum, and cyano. I don't think I paid more than $5
for each, but they are wonderful brushes. So maybe try the stitched ones.
I did read of a technique of wrapping the bottom at the ferrule with tape
all the way around a bit higher than the ferrule and then squirting the glue
into this trough.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Gerling" <Keith@gumphoto.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: more on Fabriano Artistico
> regarding this: "You MUST superglue the base of the brush where the hairs
> are
> attached, because it sheds like mad"
> Maybe I'm suffering from a brain cramp, but I have no idea how to do this.
> Daniel Smith (and Pearl) sell these metal-ferruled "hake" brushes for dirt
> cheap. To prevent the shedding, I tried gluing. I ended up with a useful
> brush length of about 1/8 of an inch as the rest of the hair had turned
> a plank. It still sheds hair.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christina Z. Anderson [mailto:zphoto@uslink.net]
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 11:59 AM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> Subject: Re: more on Fabriano Artistico
> Some info I sent to Ryuji offlist may be of benefit to you all:
> p. 239 of Jerry's large catalog: LW15 Badger Softener. 4" is $17.99, cat
> no. 59390. You MUST superglue the base of the brush where the hairs are
> attached, because it sheds like mad (as one old time book says, "a brush
> its moulting season is a nuisance").
> Rives BFK at Jerry's is 10 for 2.49, 25 for 2.24, and 100 for
> 1.99.Magnani is 2.29. 30 sheets of Artistico is $2.67 ea and 100 sheets
> $2.49 All these prices for 22x30. So Rives is cheaper.
> In relation to Tom F's post about paper: the soft press is a regular
> kind of pattern in Fabriano; the cold press is not as regular. I actually
> prefer the cold press paper to the soft press because of this. But of
> I do prefer the hot, and, as Tom says, it boils down to a matter of taste.
> As far as color balance, I have purposely printed my gums very
> very brown, very magenta, etc. when the subject matter warrants it. I
> discovered, inadvertently a new technique which I'll share:
> Take citric acid powder, and think you are dissolving it in a liter
> water (1 T to a liter), but don't :) Take your cyanotypes, and develop
> in this after first maybe a 5 minute soak in plain water. This, coupled
> with an inadvertent too large squirt of Tween in the cyanotype solution,
> produces, on a cyanotype, these wonderful little dreamlike spots of pale,
> starry sort of. I thought I had ruined 8 prints, but decided to keep
> printing on top. They look really unique--blurry and faded and kind of a
> mess, but I love them! So much for perfection! I fly by the seat of my
> pants. That's my goal for this next semester of grad school, to
> upon gum's "mistakes".
> Chris
Received on Tue Jul 13 20:15:39 2004
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