Why not make up your own mix using potassium Ferricyanide with some added
pot bromide for the bleach and sodium sulphide for the toner.
-----Original Message-----
From: abracadabra@nuberroja.com [mailto:abracadabra@nuberroja.com]
Sent: 04 June 2004 20:27
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: old sepia toner
Excuse me friends, i have been without using chemiocals almost ten years,
and now i am trying to remember an old sepia tones. The only things i can
remember are:
1.- it was a beautiful sepia toner for paper
2.- a very old formulae
3.- very simple, only one or two ( perhaps only one) chemical plus water
4.- That thing smell like hell or even worts ( ¿rotten eggs?)
is there anybody out there who can help me?
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