Re: platinum chemistry

From: Richard Sullivan ^lt;>
Date: 03/10/04-09:24:09 AM Z
Message-id: <>


That has been proposed at times but field reports indicate that it is
absolute nonsense. There are some people, for whatever reason, who feel the
need to complex-up a process. I guess it makes for good workshops.

I believe Dick Arentz has done some detailed study on this and dismissed
it. BTW, Dick is in the last moments of revising his book on platinum
printing and it is 30% larger. How's that for an accommodating publisher?
And A new section of digital negs written by one of our own here. Arentz
has done a bucket load of new research for the book and I expect it will be
quite exciting.

--Dick Sullivan

At 05:43 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
>I was reading in one of the online FAQ's that after mixing the platinum
>with the Ferric oxalate, you should let it sit for an hour before
>coating. I'm currently working with Ziatypes.. is this necessary for
>this process as well? Since I haven't been doing this, what gains should
>I see?
> Thanks
> jim
Received on Wed Mar 10 09:29:30 2004

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