> > For the finish-coating of gumprints I use 'Vernice Brillante Tempera'
>> from Maimeri, Italy. It contains Acrylic resin and White spirit.
>Is there any way to get that short of travelling to Italy?
I just buy it in an art-shop in Maastricht (you know, that city in
the south of the Netherlands, well-known after the agreements
concerning budgets, the euro etc. of the different countries of
> And Henk, tell
>me again -- what is white spirit??? I forget whether it's alcohol or
>mineral spirits or naptha or....???
We call it 'wasbenzine' in the Netherlands, and yes my dictionnary
says 'benzine'....
>And how do you apply it? Brush? Spray??
With a brush ; but for the cleaning and the final finish it is
comparable to the description of 'bromoil on aluminium' in PF#9.
We are looking forward dear Judy :-)
But I have a question too, what is 'tween'. I bought a small bottle
by Silverprint, but if I know what it is I could try to find it in
Thanks ,
-- ---------------------- Henk Thijs - Photography http://www.f68.nl http://www.luca-antiek.nlReceived on Sun Mar 21 04:26:35 2004
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