Hi Susan,
I know and experienced the oxydation of the PyrocatHD stock "A", OTOH I last week used succesfully a stock made in in December 2004.
The "good" thing is that you can at least see that your stock is dead, compair that to Xtol..;-)..
I stored the stock in a clear glass bottle around which I have wrapped aluminium foil.
I woder if switching the Phenidone with DimezoneS would help in increasing storage life (DimezonS is a much more stable variant of Phenidone).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Susan Huber [mailto:shuber@ssisland.com]
> Sent: dinsdag 16 augustus 2005 14:18
> To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> Subject: Re: Pyrocat-HD for alt printing?
> Hi Loris,
> I believe the P-Cat takes less time to print out than the
> Pyro al Hutchens.
> The thing that is troublesome is; the P-Cat oxidizes very
> quickly compared
> to the Pyro and that being in different containers. The brown
> bottles are
> the worst! Use other bottles. I am not amused at travelling
> 9,000 kms and
> then ruining some of my negatives... Sandy King can clarify.
> Always,
> Susan
Received on Tue Aug 16 06:30:13 2005
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