You mentioned below a single weight paper. What brand was the single
S. Shapiro
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <>
To: "Alt List" <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 6:36 AM
Subject: update on lumen prints
> Just a quickie,
> It's getting to be about the end of the semester and the student doing
> lumen prints is wrapping up her project. Thanks to Don Bryant's offlist
> generosity (DON what do i owe you for shipping?????) the favorite paper
> she says is a single weight Portriga grade 6. I think she means Brovira
> but will have to check with her again to make sure it is that, as Don gave
> us a stack of all kinds of paper, both being in there. Don, you made this
> student's "day" and we both thank you.
> Oh, another paper that is beautiful is Forte. Of course. Forte and
> Bergger are my faves anyway. Those were not outdated. The RC Forte
> polywarmtone is dramatically pink.
> The interesting thing I want to report is that there is a remarkable
> difference when these single weight papers are held to transmitted light.
> It does not happen in the double weights. The dull olive green on the
> surface of the paper shows as brilliant violet when held up to light. I
> am going to hazard a guess that it is the Mie effect (written about in
> Scientific American a couple decades ago) and that the different sizes of
> granules and types of granules of silver react differently to overexposure
> of the sun and refract color differently, but somehow the ones that
> refract violet are behind the olive ones. I can't think of another reason
> why the purple shows only with transmitted light so maybe someone else can
> make a better guess than that. Whatever the reason, she has decided to
> display a few of them in lightbox type frames. Gorgeous possibilities.
> bye
> chris
Received on Fri Nov 18 13:39:30 2005
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