Since we are commercial today I will mention that
I also have a carbon book for sale. It is titled
The Book of Carbon and Carbro: Contemporary
Procedures for Monochrome Printmaking. 118 pages
plus index and includes very detailed
instructions around for making carbon tissue.
Cost is $30, which includes postage in the US,
if purchased directly through me.
> Easy for YOU to say! ;-))
> All seriousness aside, thanks for the info!
> Please check my website:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Philippe Berger []
>Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 6:44 AM
>To: Karine Joannet; Kevin Sullivan; Laurence Tondu; Laurent Barthelemy;
>Laurent Hondermarck; Lilian Chaineaud / Jahzz; Lionel Hug; Louis Stevigny;
>Malin Fabbri; Marc Genevrier; Marc Mercier; Marc Sadouni; Maria Van Assche;
>Marie Louise Bréhant; Marienoelle Leroy; Michel Di Maggio; Michel Dubois;
>Michel Morreale; Michel Riveault-Pineau; Mike Ware; Mireille Lefevre; Monica
>Bueno; Moshe Sayegh; Nicolas Roses; Nikolaï Bachelet; Paolo Aldi; Pascal
>Damuseau; Pascal Miele; Patrick Cartou; Patrick Van Hove; Philippe Moroux;
>Philippe Aprosio; Philippe Berger; Philippe Destrumel; Philippe Do; Philippe
>Gabriel; Philippe Jimenez; Philippe Masson; Philippe Meyer; Philippe
>Quebert; Philippe Reip; Philou; Photo alt; Pierre Hebert; Pierre Liberas;
>Pierre Stringa; Pierre Zeler; René Lecoq; René Smets; René-Philippe Halm;
>Richard Strappazon; Robert Colognoli; Roger Coutin; Roger Kockaerts; Ronan
>Subject: Photographie au Charbon
>Vous voudriez apprendre le procédé photographique au charbon simple
>Vous n' osez pas vous lancer dans cette aventure.
>Je peux vous aider !!!
>Je viens de terminer la mise au point d' un cours par correspondance sur le
>procédé au Charbon Simple Transfert sur papier aquarelle.
>Voici quelques informations complémentaires
>N' hésitez pas à me contacter
Received on Sat Nov 19 10:52:59 2005
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