Well, I am guilty of participating in this OT thread also, but we
need to shut it down now. When people start expressing political
opinions, whether from the right or the left, the thread has nowhere
to go up down.
So please, since this is obviously off-topic at this point please
take it to another forum. This is a formal request from one of your
list minders.
>Although, I'm knowingly breaking the rules by continuing this OT
>thread, I'd like to respond to this idea of Robert's, however cynical
>or ill-timed. The quote he references was also used by another Robert,
>a better known RFK Jr., this very week in an article published at
>Huffington Post. In it he points an accusatory finger at Gov Barbour
>of Mississipi (ironic yes?) for derailing the policy towards CO2
>emmission concerns. More and more data suggests global warming is
>responsible for the increases in frequency and severity of tropical
>(and other?) storms.
>I too spent a part of my youth in New Orleans, attended Tulane briefly
>and have a deep love of the city, but we know we take risks with our
>health and safety with many of our habits and activities... including
>working with alt-photo chemicals. (a quasi-gratuitous attempt to bring
>topicality into the text) Perhaps we can learn from this tragedy.
>There is always hope.
>Read the editorial if you like, and judge for yourself...
>Darryl Baird
>Assoc. Professor of Art
>University of Michigan-Flint
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Corbett [mailto:richard@rwc.my-bulldog.com]
>Sent: Thu 9/1/2005 12:26 PM
>To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
>Subject: Re: Response to Richard Corbett's comments about New Orleans
>---- Original Message -----
>From: "Harry Smart" <harry@harrysmart.plus.com>
>To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
>Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:11 PM
>Subject: OT: Response to Richard Corbett's comments about New Orleans
>> Richard, I'm not sure quite what you mean by this, but it's a phrase
>> biblical connotations, and many people would assume from such a
>> remark
>> that you are suggesting the disaster that has befallen New Orleans
>and the
>> area around it is some sort of judgment. If you are making that
>> in the belief that it has some biblical or Christian warrant, then
>> should be aware that you are wrong; and not only wrong, but
>offensive. The
>> kind of crude historicism your (implied) view represents is quite
>> explicitly
>> rejected in the gospels by Christ himself .. look at Luke 13, for
>> instance,
>> and the reference to those killed by the tower at Siloam. 'Do you
>> they
>> were any worse sinners than ..' No. Any normal human being,
>Christian or
>> otherwise, who looks at what has happened to New Orleans feels
>> other
>> than immense sorrow, and sympathy for those who have lost their
>> ones,
>> their livelihoods, their homes. Shame on you for your remarks.
>Thats all right. The USA governemnts attitude to global warming is
>shamed by
>the rest of the civilised world, including your governemnt wee laddie.
>But they should worry more my freind because one of their own at texas
>University recently presented a paper showing how one half degree in
>water warming
>increased hurrican speed by 25% and I do believe that the seas around
>area have increased by two degrees during the last ten years.
>What you sow, like 50% of the world output of greenhouse gasses, so
>you reap, like last weekend.
>And surely there will be plenty more where that came from, just give
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>to maintain up to date anti virus software on the device that you are
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